PRINCIPLE: Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh is working as Principal, SAM College of Ayurvedic Sciences and Hospital, Raisen, M.P., India. He is graduated from Rishikul State. Ayurvedic College Haridwar in year 2000, post-graduated from Ayurveda. Mahavidyalaya Nashik in year 2006, doctorate from BHU Varanasi in year 2011 and post-doctoral from CSIR New Delhi in year 2015.

Dr. Singh has more than seventeen years of academic, clinical and research experience including the most prestigious Senior Research Associateship/Pool Scientist from C.S.I.R., New Delhi. He has published more than sixty five research papers, presented more than thirty research papers at International and National Conferences, delivered more than thirty academic talks/lectures including prestigious Academic Staff College, B.H.U. and so far successfully accomplished four research projects. More than seven Ph.D. studentshave been awarded doctoral degree under his guidance. Under the sponsorship of C.S.I.R., I.C.M.R. and I.C.H.R., he presented research papers in International Conferences held in Sancheong (South Korea), Colombo (SriLanka), Kiel (Germany) and Ayutthaya (Thailand). He is registered member of various Professional Bodies including Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad, Vishwa Ayurveda Parishad and N.C.I.M.